Monday, December 16, 2019

Spacey Tranfiguration

Photo response 2

In this image, the photographer is documenting the installation of a large painting in Ireland. A person is seen grappling up the side of the painting. The large scale of the girl seems impossible to transport and mount without splicing, but there are no signs of it. The girl in the painting does not seem happy. Her large eyes carry much emotion. This image was placed in the urban industrial part of the city, right by the water. Based on this, mostly people who work will probably see it, and the mood of the image is more serious. I think the title "The Last Girl" implies the desperation involved in the image.

Photo response

This image is of a girl's face up close with a proportionally smaller man seemingly climbing her face. I think this is an artistic image as it looks like it was photoshopped. I think the photographer's intent was to  show perspective, and the difference in scale between the man's and woman's face gives a certain curiosity to the photo.

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Power of Internet Images

1. lively, confident, well-off, creative, joyful

2. I think she was successful because her images are of her traveling to various places, and a traveler is often classified as these things.

3. I feel like Jenny would be a good friend, because she seems nice, and doesn't seem intimidating.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Lost in the World

1. The general premise of this video is that society is putting technology as a forefront of their lives, and is failing to really interact with what is around them.

2. The video is effective in conveying its message because it gives many instances in which horrible things could have been avoided or stopped if someone had cared enough to interact instead of only recording it. The main character, the small person who looks around in dismay, adds emotion to our view of the world depicted on the screen.

3. I feel that this is both an examination of our current situation in some ways, and a warning. Most things that happen in this are taken to extremes, therefore showing the severity of what could happen. Although most things in this video seem horrible, some are true, or at least close to it.