Wednesday, March 11, 2020


The love concept I chose to photograph was self love. In this image the subject feels inadequate and is lacking self love.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Reflection Reflection

I set a goal to only work on schoolwork and classwork in class, and I have been doing a good job with it. I mainly do homework or photography work in class, as opposed to just taking a break during the day the whole class, so I'd give myself an A-.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the Past

Dear Sofia,

Being over halfway through this school year, I've learned many things in all of my classes. For this photography class, there are a lot of things I can tell you to help you be successful in the class. First off, use class time to either work on work for photography or another class if you have nothing to do. This will help you a lot in time management once things start getting crazy busy. Another thing, come up with ideas for your projects early, even if you can't execute them right away. This will make sure you aren't scrambling to figure something out. And for getting those ideas, try looking up articles and examples on the internet then build off of them. Take your pictures on your camera because they turn out so much better, and take the time to edit your pictures nicely. So far, one of my best works in this class might have been my "blue" project. The goal of this project was to photograph something either blue physically or conceptually. This image I captured was taken while on a photoshoot for something else entirely (think about your projects whenever you are shooting for other things as well!). Here is the image:
I decided to use blue both conceptually, with the subject looking sad or distressed, and visually with the blue tile on the wall. The only thing i would've changed on this image would be to get her full body. Her feet were cut off and it would add more to the photo to get a little lower perspective or farther away. However, I was in a rush to take the photo, so I am pretty content with how it turned out. All in all, you are going to have a lot of fun in this class and learn a lot, so be excited and as prepared as possible.

Yours truly,
Sofia (in February)

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Forced Perspective

The Importance of Art

Art is an important component to be taught in schools. Different arts help children with different skills. For example, music is closely correlated to math, and theater helps students with public speaking. Other art classes can help students make sense of the world around them, as well as have an escape for part of the day. The brain works better when it gets a break, and the arts let children refresh their minds to be ready for intense classes.

Arts, in fact, do help young people enter the workforce, both directly and indirectly. There are a lot of jobs that have to do with various types of the arts such as photography and videography. Other jobs also will require the creative thinking that comes from taking such classes in school. Also, art teaches children to think creatively and not always inside of given borders. With more and more issues arising with our world both politically, economically, socially, and environmentally, we need out of the box thinkers to think of out of the box solutions. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What Art?

1. The first image is a side profile of a woman on a red background. It appears as if it were a painting, but was most likely created by putting paint on the woman. She is wearing a blue headband, hair tie, and shirt. These bright colors contrast with each other and create a bold mood. I think the artist was trying to incorporate new and old techniques into one image. He may have wanted people to appreciate the style of painting depicted, and I think his effort was successful.
2. The second image is of a woman with short brown hair who appears painted. However, she was mostly likely painted herself then taken a picture of. She is on a red background and has her chin pointed up and is looking at the camera with an emotionless facial expression. The red background catches your attention and creates a bold mood. I think the artist was trying to incorporate new and old techniques into one image. He may have wanted people to appreciate the style of painting depicted, and I think his effort was successful.