Friday, February 28, 2020



  1. I really like how you blurred out the leaf in the picture, and I like your facial expression because it tells the story.

  2. I really liked the edits in your image and the blur gives it a nice touch to the image and it really helps focus on you even more in the image. I can also see the story behind the image.

  3. I really like this image and the idea you had. The photo may have ben a slight better in focus if the brown object wasn't in the way. Other than that, the photo looks great and has an interesting story behind it that relates to the real world.

  4. I like ths image because the facial expression is really good, and really helps to portray the story.

  5. Objective: The image is crisp and in focus, and I sense that you've added an overlay to make the elements of the photo play with each other. I like that. The focal point is clear, as well. The elements of the image create a certain mood, which is the goal of a narrative image: to make one feel something, anything.

    Subjective: This image has some ambiguity, which is great. You don't normally see someone with drumsticks without a drum, so with this image I assume that the subject is playing the recycling can with the drumsticks. The tone, expression and feeling I get is of a grungy, rebellious nature, which can be hard to convey. I feel that before, the girl couldn't find a drumset to play on (or someone took it away from her), and after, she rebelliously began to play on the cans she found outside to improve her talent.

    All in all, a nicely composed image.
