Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Importance of Art

Art is an important component to be taught in schools. Different arts help children with different skills. For example, music is closely correlated to math, and theater helps students with public speaking. Other art classes can help students make sense of the world around them, as well as have an escape for part of the day. The brain works better when it gets a break, and the arts let children refresh their minds to be ready for intense classes.

Arts, in fact, do help young people enter the workforce, both directly and indirectly. There are a lot of jobs that have to do with various types of the arts such as photography and videography. Other jobs also will require the creative thinking that comes from taking such classes in school. Also, art teaches children to think creatively and not always inside of given borders. With more and more issues arising with our world both politically, economically, socially, and environmentally, we need out of the box thinkers to think of out of the box solutions. 

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